
 Full details 

Brevity publishes well-known and emerging writers working in the extremely brief (750 words or fewer) essay form. We have featured work from two Pulitzer prize finalists, numerous NEA fellows, Pushcart winners, Best American authors, and writers from India, Egypt, Ireland, Spain, Malaysia, Qatar, and Japan. We have also featured numerous previously-unpublished authors, and take a special joy in helping to launch a new literary career. Over the past year Brevity has averaged 10,000 unique visitors per month.

Authors are paid a $45 honorarium for featured essays and craft essays. We are not currently able to pay for book reviews.

If you would like to read an interview with our founder and editor-in-chief explaining his view of what makes a piece of flash nonfiction successful, you may do so here at River Teeth.

Here is the link for submitting flash essays.


For information on submitting Craft Essays, Book Reviews, and items for the Brevity Blog, see the instructions below.


Craft Essays

For Craft Essays, contact our Craft Editor Julie Riddle at brevitymag+craft (insert @ symbol) with either a brief description of your idea or the finished essay. Submissions should be 1,200 words or less and formatted as seen in our Craft Section (single space, no indentation, space between paragraphs). This category is limited to essays that discuss the craft of writing, such as essays that focus on structure, or editing, or ethics.

Brevity Blog Book Reviews

Book reviews can be found on the Brevity Blog. We do not review novels or poetry; only nonfiction titles. We are unlikely to review self-published books. Our reviews are hybrids — a combination of narrative and book review, and we recommend that authors read a few of our published reviews to get a sense of our style. Submissions should be formatted as seen on our blog: single space, no indentation, one space between paragraphs.

Publicists or authors letting us know about upcoming (nonfiction) titles and writers interested in reviewing a book should contact Book Review Editor Deb Hagan at brevitymag+bookrev (insert @ symbol)


The Brevity Blog

While Brevity (the magazine) publishes the finest examples of flash nonfiction we can find, the Brevity Blog is the place to discuss issues related to the writing of creative nonfiction. Full guidelines for the Brevity Blog can be found here.



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