
Full details


Launched in December 2009, Kweli is an online journal that celebrates community and cultural kinships. In this shared space, you will hear the lived experience of people of color. Our many stories. Our shared histories. Our creative play with language. Here our memories are wrapped inside the music of the Muscogee, the blues songs of the South, the clipped patois of the Caribbean. 


Kweli welcomes submissions of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. We currently publish three (3) online issues each year. The journal's reading period is September 1 through May 30.  We are now accepting online submissions through May 30. Submissions received outside this reading period will remain unread. Submit your work at any time during our reading period. We strongly encourage you to read a few issues of the journal before submitting. 

For prose submissions, submit one (1) short story or one (1) self-contained novel excerpt or creative non-fiction piece of no more than 6,000 words in one single file in doc., rtf, or .pdf format.

For poetry submissions, submit up to three poems totaling no more than 6 pages in one single file in doc., rtf, or .pdf format.

Submit your work to:

Kweli does not accept previously published work.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable as long as they are indicated as such.  Authors must immediately notify the editors if said work has been selected for publication in another periodical, either in print or online.  Contact

Payment is after publication. 

All published work will be archived online. 

Thank you.



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