The Poetry Review

Full details

ubmissions guidelines

Follow our recommendations here to get the best out of submitting your work to The Poetry Review

The Poetry Review welcomes submissions of unpublished poems and translations of poems. We have a policy of publishing work by new and upcoming poets as well as that of established poets. All submissions are read by the editor and considered on an equal basis. Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions we receive, we cannot offer any individual criticism. Our aim is to accept or reject work within three months, and we do respond to every submission – but please read, and follow, the submission guidelines in order to facilitate our response.
Coronavirus pandemic: changes to submissions
Please note, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, The Poetry Society offices are temporarily closed. It is also having an impact on postal services. For a trial period, we have now extended online submissions to The Poetry Review to UK-based writers via Submittable. Online submissions are FREE to Poetry Society Members. Please read our guidelines below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Submission guidelines (for all writers)
Please submit your work via Submittable. There are separate options for members and non-members of the Poetry Society.
• Send a maximum of six poems to be considered for an issue.
• Only send unpublished work.
• Send one submission at a time. That is, please do not send a new submission if you have not yet had a response to a previous one.
• We do not consider simultaneous submissions, i.e. work that is being considered elsewhere.
• Poems should be typed.
• Please put your name and address at the foot of each page, as this helps us keep track.
• Include a cover note containing your address and email. You may add a brief publication history (but this won’t affect your chances).
Please do not send by post unless it is not possible for you to do otherwise:
• The coronavirus epidemic continues to disrupt postal services and impact staffing of The Poetry Society office, so we ask you to send work via Submittable (see above), not by post. If you do submit by post, please send to: The Poetry Review, The Poetry Society, 22 Betterton Street, London WC2H 9BX, UK, including a stamped SAE for a response. We are happy to return your work but include sufficient postage if you would like us to do so.
The Poetry Review receives many thousands of poems of which we print only a fraction. So don’t be discouraged by a rejection from us. You will find an extensive list of other poetry magazines to try on the Poetry Library website.
Publications for review
During the Coronavirus epidemic and its impact, including the disruption of postal services, we advise you to email a press release or advance information sheet of forthcoming poetry collections and poetry-related works. Please email:
Trustees and staff of The Poetry Society may not submit material for publication in The Poetry Review.
The Poetry Review
The Poetry Society
22 Betterton Street
London WC2H 9BX
Telephone: 020 7420 9880


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