Tahoma Literary Review

Full details

Please send only one submission per reading period.
Please review the guidelines below. You can find samples of accepted work on our Excerpts page and our Soundcloud channel.
Submission fees: Standard submission fees for poetry and flash prose are $4; for longer prose the fee is $5. With each submission we provide a download of our latest issue.
You can review our Transparency in Publishing page to see how submission and subscription fees help us pay our contributors and our support team.
Submission expectations: Our response time is up to three months. Previous contributors to Tahoma Literary Review should wait one full reading period before submitting again.
  • Word or PDF files only. If we accept a file in PDF, we will need a Word (or compatible) version.
  • Prose submissions should be in standard manuscript format. (Double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12-point type, one-inch margins, author name and contact information on the title page)
  • Poetry submissions can include up to six poems in one manuscript. Please include your name with each poem.
  • All submissions should be made via Submittable. If this limitation presents an accessibility issue, please contact the editors for alternatives.
  • We do not accept previously published material. This includes publication in any public venue, including print, web, and personal blogs.
  • We are not currently reading plays, screenplays, translations, reviews, works that include images, novel excerpts, or children’s/young adult literature.
Please do not resubmit revised work unless we have requested it specifically. Simultaneous submissions to other magazines are welcome, but let us know when a piece is accepted elsewhere. (Use Submittable’s Withdraw feature to withdraw a submission fully; poets can use the Message feature to withdraw individual poems.)
Feedback and critiques: As an add-on service we provide feedback on your submission. In fiction, a Full Critique offers a detailed analysis of your submission. Please see specifics in the genre categories below.

Payment: $55 for flash prose and short poems; $135 for longer prose and poems (from 1,500 to 6,000 words for nonfiction; 1,500 to 10,000 words for fiction; over 7 pages for poetry).
Rights: We ask for first North American serial rights. We may reprint accepted work on our website in the Excerpts page. Otherwise, all rights revert to the author upon publication.


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