Pop Malt

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Want to get paid to write articles?

Can you move people with your words? We want to pay you for your writing! We’re constantly looking for quality writers who can contribute funny, uplifting, or other articles related to pop culture. The ideal candidates can produce engaging content that appeals to a wide demographic. Our readership is roughly 50/50 male and female, with 18-44 being our largest demographic. Our readers are single, dating, married, divorced, have kids, don’t have kids, etc, and are from a variety of walks of life.
We reserve the right to edit submissions for spelling/grammar, tone, length, etc. Please take a moment to browse our site and get a feel for our style. We prefer pieces that are down-to-earth, witty, and full of personality.

What to submit:

Please keep first-time submissions between 750 and 1,500 words in length. Only content that has not previously been published will be considered.
COMEDY: Are people always telling you how funny you are? Can you make people laugh with your writing? Are you able to find the humor in just about any situation? We’d love to hear from you.
UPLIFTING / OP-EDS: Do you have an inspirational, encouraging, or thought-provoking story to share? Do you have an opinion on something going on in our world that will challenge us all to become better people? We’d love to consider it.
LIFESTYLE: Are you a practical person? Do you have a clever life hack to share with our readers? Do you have a creative recipe (with pictures!) that you feel would impress our audience? Not just something tasty, but something that looks good too (themed for a holiday, artsy in some way, etc). Other ideas welcome.
ENTERTAINMENT: Do you like to review movies? Do you know the middle names of all of Hollywood’s elite celebrities? Submit news, opinion, or even interesting trivia pieces that cover the entertainment industry. This could be movies, music, video games, etc.
SATIRE: You can either write good satire or you can’t. If you can, we’d love to hear from you.

How we pay writers:

PopMalt pays between $0.01 and $0.03 cents per word, depending on the experience of the writer and quality of the work submitted. We pay based on the word count at the time of acceptance, not based on the word count at the time of publication, since the word count may change after our editors have finished working on the piece. If you choose to include original images that you own as part of your article submission, PopMalt will pay between $0.25 and $1.00 per published image.
Please note: We will not publish any articles without first getting a signed writers agreement and copyright release from you. If we would like to move forward with you after reading your submission, we will contact you directly within 3 business days to work out all necessary details.

Article Submission Form

Please submit your work below for our editorial team to review. Not quite ready to fill out this form? Feel free to contact us through our general form with any questions you may have.


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