McNeese Review

Full details

We are open for submissions of poetry and fiction for our Spring 2021 print issue from May 1-August 31, 2020. We are open to submissions of all types to Boudin, our online home, from July 15-March 31 each year. We also are occasionally open for Boudin mini-issues. We're accepting work (fiction, poetry, CNF, hybrid work) for our mini-issue on football until July 31.
Please note that we do not accept multiple submissions from the same writer within a reading period. Multiple submissions will be rejected immediately unless our editors have specifically requested that the writer submit again.
No material published in The McNeese Review or in Boudin may be reprinted or reproduced, in whole or in part, without the permission of the authors. We ask for ourselves only that The McNeese Review be credited with first publication. All print contributors receive one contributor copy. We are pleased to also offer a $50 honorarium to print contributors within the U.S. Contributors outside of the U.S. will receive two additional author copies in lieu of the honorarium. Contributors to Boudin will receive our thanks and the promise that we'll promote your work far and wide.
We encourage you to simultaneously submit your work while it's under consideration at The McNeese Review. If your submission is accepted by another publication, please withdraw it from Submittable. If you would like to withdraw a single poem or piece of flash fiction but keep the others under consideration, please email us at mreview [at] mcneese [dot] edu.
Please only submit original work. If your work borrows from or quotes another writer, please make explicit mention of this with your submission, giving full attribution to any material you're using from another source.
We look forward to seeing your work!


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