Hypertext Mag

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Before submitting to our journal, please read our magazine (online & print) and become familiar with our content. We publish a wide range of voices, from emerging to established writers.  We also publish a wide range of content, from safe to not-so-safe. We are a small operation and we log in a ton of hours working on edits with writers, posting, and publishing.
Consider purchasing Hypertext Review. We are as proud of our print journal as we are of our website. Both contain work from established and emerging writers and we nominate writers for national awards including the Pushcart Prize and “Best American Short Stories” and “Best American Essays” series. Your purchase will not only give you an idea of what kinds of stories we publish but it truly helps keep our doors open. You can order Hypertext Review at your LOCAL INDIE BOOKSELLER.


Because of the current situation, we are waiving fees for the foreseeable future. The costs of running an independent magazine, however, have not changed—security, hosting, and a myriad of other factors too numerous to list—so do consider donating to our nonprofit. Our small operation is not affiliated with a university or college and we have a lean budget. Donations truly help us keep our doors open.
NOTE: Editors do not know who donates to HMS. In other words, donating will not impact their editorial decision regarding your piece.
PLEASE NOTE: Add-on items will only be shipped in the United States. We do not ship abroad. We do not refund submission fees.
Submissions close from June through August.


As of our Summer 2020 edition, we will now pay a small stipend (wish we could pay more) for accepted work.
Please note: First-place contest winners—for our Fiction & Essay Contest—will receive $100 cash prize total.
Short Stories & Essays: $40 total
Flash Fiction: 10 pages or less (12-pt. type, one-inch margins): $30 total
When we publish your work, you agree to give us first-time online publishing rights and then, of course, it’s yours to do what you’d like. If you publish it in the future, please do mention that Hypertext published it first. When you become insanely famous, we’ll remind you to contribute to the operating costs of our magazine.
You will hear back from from us in 3-4 months, ideally sooner. Feel free to nudge us via email if you have not heard back in 4 months.
Note that all submissions could be considered for publication in both Hypertextmag.com (online) or Hypertext Review (print).
We do not issue refunds for submissions.
Please submit no more than one submission in a given genre during the reading period. Simultaneous submissions to other magazines are, of course, permitted. Please notify us immediately if the work has been accepted elsewhere.
If your work is accepted it will be subject to an agreement granting Hypertextmag.com and Hypertext Review first publication rights. You retain the rights to the work after first publication.
By submitting the work for consideration, you represent that:
• The work is not in the public domain, has not been published in any other publication in any jurisdiction the the world, has not been distributed or displayed to members of the public, and you have not made any agreement with another party inconsistent with granting first publication rights to us. Do let us know if your work is part of a collection or larger work being prepared for future publication. If that is the case, let us know the title, publisher and planned publication date.
• The work is your original authorship and no other party has a claim to rights in it except as you specifically disclose at the time of your submission.
• There is nothing in the work that is libelous, invades personal privacy, or deprives another of the right of publicity, or is otherwise actionably tortious or illegal.
Submit via Submittable. Paper submissions will not be read.

Tips and other helpful information…


We like novel excerpts and short stories that weigh in at about 3,000 words. If it’s slightly over 3,000 words and we like the extra words, we’re flexible.
We like flash fiction in pairs or trios (but singles are fine too). Please send all in one document.
Include a brief cover letter with your bio and email/contact information.
For contest submissions, please do not include your name in the body of the manuscript.


We like essays that weigh in at about 3,000 words. If it’s slightly over 3,000 words and we like the extra words, we’re flexible. We love the idea of creative nonfiction flash.
Include a brief cover letter with your bio and email/contact information on the first page of the manuscript.
For contest submissions, please do not include your name in the body of the manuscript.


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