Dragon Soul Press

Full details

Welcome to Dragon Soul Press!

Here, we strive to publish writers of all experience levels. Have you been given the run-around by almost every publisher? Are you a New York Times bestseller? All are welcome here. The ultimate question you may be asking is why choose us?
The answer is simple. We have your best interests at heart. Dragon Soul Press is the traditional publisher to either begin your career or to further the one you currently have. With a full team dedicated to your work, you are provided the resources you don’t have when self-publishing.
There are many opportunities to get published with us, whether it be submitting a manuscript or an anthology submission. We work with both authors who have agents and those who represent themselves.
As a traditional publisher, the author does not pay for publication costs.
Please feel free to explore the site for more information. If you have any questions, please use the Contact form.


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