The Soho Agency
Full details
are looking for the best debut writers, as well as established authors,
successfully self-published writers and the most exciting and
innovative creative talent out there, in both fiction and non-fiction.
We work across a broad range of genres and categories (you can see the few things we don't represent below) but you can find out more about what each of our agents are looking for in our individual agent descriptions.
are passionate about great writing and we operate dynamically across
all areas of publishing – film, television and other media, including
speaking and live events. We are usually looking for writers and artists
who would enjoy seeing their work in more than one medium. We actively
look at the international potential of all authors and projects we take
on, and we have a great track record in selling rights globally.
How to make a submission
Please submit your work to us digitally using the following email – for general submissions - for children's, YA and artwork submissions
Please address your submission to the agent you feel is best suited to your work and we will pass it on to them for consideration. You can find out more about what each of our agents are looking for in our individual agent descriptions. If you are not sure where your submission should be placed, you can simply address your letter to 'The Soho Agency Submissions.' Either way, all submissions must be sent to one of these two email addresses to be considered. Please do adhere to the guidelines above, we receive a very high volume of submissions and we want yours to have every chance of success. There is no need to telephone us as everything you need to know is detailed here and we’ll only direct you back to this page. Please note we are unable to return any hard copy submissions.
Your submission should consist of the first three chapters or first thirty pages of your manuscript (if the work is for young children and consists of no more than 1,000 words, please send the complete text), ideally in word format, along with a synopsis (include spoilers – this is where you tell us the story, your covering letter is where you pitch it to us). Submissions should be accompanied by a covering letter. Here are some useful tips about what to include in your letter:
1. Give us your best sales pitch and sound bite - in one sentence how would you sell your book/idea to a publisher?
2. Give us your two to three sentence summary of what your book is about.
3. Tell us in two to three sentences about the intended audience and whether there are any useful comparisons you would make with other books and authors.
4. Tell us about yourself - again in two to three sentences.
5. If you have already published the work independently or through a third party online, e.g. Amazon, tell us how it has gone so far. We love (accurate) hard figures and statistics!
6. Let us know if your proposal is with other agents/agencies and/or publishers.
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