Indiana Review
Full details
We do not accept hard copy or unsolicited email
submissions. All submissions must be made through our online manager,
which is accessible by hitting the "submit entry" button below. You will be redirected to the Submissions Manager to complete your entry after making the PayPal payment.
If you are not automatically redirected, please contact and we will ensure you are able to complete your
Please be sure to select the appropriate genre designation in your submission. If a submission is made without a genre designation, the submission will not be read.
Cover letters are optional and may be included in the "comments" section of the submission form.
IR publishes about 6-10 stories, 40-60 pages of poetry, 2-4 nonfiction pieces per issue, as well as occasional art inserts and special folios. We look for poems, stories, and nonfiction that are well-crafted and lively, have an intelligent sense of form and language, assume a degree of risk, and have consequence beyond the world of their speakers or narrators. At this time we are not accepting unsolicited book reviews.
There is a $3.00 reading fee for all General Submissions.
If you are an individual subscriber (meaning your subscription is not attached to an IR prize submission), enter your subscriber code to submit for free; otherwise, leave blank and continue by hitting the submit button.
Please be sure to select the appropriate genre designation in your submission. If a submission is made without a genre designation, the submission will not be read.
Cover letters are optional and may be included in the "comments" section of the submission form.
Indiana Review is published biannually in May and December. Our response time is usually 1 – 4 months, but may at times be longer, especially if the work is under serious consideration. IR accepts less than half of 1% of work submitted. Payment for publication is $5.00 per page ($25.00 minimum), two contributor copies of the issue in which their work appears, and a year's subscription. Rights revert to author upon publication, but we ask that Indiana Review be credited if the work is republished elsewhere.IR publishes about 6-10 stories, 40-60 pages of poetry, 2-4 nonfiction pieces per issue, as well as occasional art inserts and special folios. We look for poems, stories, and nonfiction that are well-crafted and lively, have an intelligent sense of form and language, assume a degree of risk, and have consequence beyond the world of their speakers or narrators. At this time we are not accepting unsolicited book reviews.
There is a $3.00 reading fee for all General Submissions.
If you are an individual subscriber (meaning your subscription is not attached to an IR prize submission), enter your subscriber code to submit for free; otherwise, leave blank and continue by hitting the submit button.
Any submissions made outside the reading dates will not be read.
Please note that by submitting to Indiana Review, you are aligning your work with the standards outlined in our Value Statement.Simultaneous submissions are welcome. However, you must contact us ASAP if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
Stories & Nonfiction: We consider prose of up to 6,000 words in length, and we prefer .doc files that are double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman with numbered pages. Up to three pieces of flash prose (<1,000 words) may be included in a single document.Poems: Send 3-6 poems per submission. Do not send more than 4 poems if longer than 3 pages each. Please include all poems in a single .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.
Visual Arts: We are not accepting art submissions at this time. When we are, send up to five pieces that are up to 6 x 9 in dimensions or may be later reduced to this size. Visual works must also be publishable in black and white, but, when funding allows, may be published in full color.
Translations: We welcome translated work across genres. Please ensure you have the proper rights to the work prior to submitting.
There is no need to query editors about submitting work. Submission status may be queried by email, but please allow at least four months before querying.
IR cannot consider work from anyone currently or recently affiliated with Indiana University, which includes those who have studied at or worked for IU in the past 4 years.
If you have been published in IR, please wait one year before submitting again in the same genre.
All work must be previously unpublished, which includes works posted to personal blogs, online journals or magazines, or any part of a thesis or dissertation that has been published electronically.
If you have submitted a simultaneous submission that is accepted elsewhere or have another reason to withdraw your submission, we ask that you please email with the following information:- Author’s name (and, if submitted by someone else, the name of the person who submitted the work)
- Date on which the work was submitted
- Genre
- Title of the piece
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