Hanging Loose Press

Full details

Submission Guidelines

It doesn’t sound flippant, we hope, if we say that the most meaningful guide is the magazine itself. We’ve published it continually since 1966 so, to some extent, past is prologue. While we hope we will always be open to new ideas, it seems unlikely that we will develop an interest in formula romance or sing-song verse. Sample copies may be ordered directly from us ($14.00 including postage) and are also available at many bookstores and libraries. Writers who send work to publications they’ve never seen are usually wasting time, money and effort, theirs and ours.

Magazine Submissions

As a rule, send up to six poems or one story at a time. We rarely publish non-fiction, but there are exceptions. We do not publish reviews. Manuscripts must be legible and be sure that includes your name and address. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope of adequate size or we cannot reply. If you don’t want your work returned, please make that clear. Cover letters are welcome if they contain pertinent information, but they are hardly a requirement. Because we read all submissions carefully, please allow up to three months for an answer. That’s also why we will not consider simultaneous submissions. We also cannot accept submissions by fax or e-mail. We never have contests or theme issues. We do have a regular section of work by high school writers: special guidelines for high school writers. All contributors receive checks on acceptance and copies of the issue containing their work.
Artwork and book manuscripts are by invitation only, without exception. We cannot be responsible for unsolicited work.

High School Submissions

Since 1968, every issue of Hanging Loose has had a section of high school writing. We’re always looking for new writers. Here’s how to submit your work:
  • Send all work to High School Editor, Hanging Loose, 231 Wyckoff Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217. Please also send us a note identifying yourself as a high school age writer, and telling us your age. Include an email address—and include a self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient return postage. Otherwise, your submission cannot be returned. Be sure your name and address appear on each page of your work.
  • Send up to six poems or short stories, or an equivalent combination of poetry and prose.
    *Please Note: We prefer to receive submissions from young writers themselves, rather than from their teachers or relatives. We strongly discourage teachers from submitting samples of work from members of their classes. Similarly, we discourage teachers from asking students to submit their work as a class assignment. We prefer teachers to encourage students who take themselves seriously as writers to write us directly.
Hanging Loose has long been known for its special interest in new writers. We read manuscripts throughout the year and we look forward to reading yours.

Send all work to: Hanging Loose, 231 Wyckoff Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217.


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