Haiku Journal

Full details

Submissions are now OPEN.

(The link is at the very bottom of this page,
but please don’t skip all the important stuff!)
Notes of interest:
We post the poems we accept online for the world to see. If you post, you are giving permission to print it. This is also clearly in our guidelines.
When you submit, the process of posting your work to our current online issue is automated. Once it is approved by one of our editors, it magically (and instantly) appears in the current issue online exactly as you typed it. We do not typically edit submission. We tend to accept a poem as it is, or we do not.
You cannot withdraw your poem after it is accepted because once it is accepted, it is already printed online in an issue. You can only withdraw prior to acceptance by returning to the submission manager and clicking “withdraw.”
Your haiku should not have a title. We do print the name of the poet with each poem. Please do not try to title your submissions. We want every poem to appear clean/minimal. We believe minimalism and white space are key to honoring the haiku form and presenting it properly for maximal reading effect.
Each Haiku Journal issue has 50 poems in it. We do not have a publishing schedule. A new issue is generated when the current issue reaches 50 poems.
Authors are responsible to check on the status of their own submissions. You do that using the submission manager you used to submit your poem. Just log back in and look. The status of your submission should be clearly displayed. Our system does send an automatic notification when the status of your poem changes, but it could be mistaken as spam and filtered out. So to be clear, you are responsible to check on your own status.
Thank you for visiting, and we hope you submit often.

PLEASE watch this 1 minute video and read the guidelines before you submit.



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