
Full details

Granta is committed to championing new voices and is open to unsolicited submissions of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and art. We consider all submissions for both print and online publication.
When we moved from a paper system to an electronic one, the number of submissions to Granta increased beyond control. We introduced a fee of £3/$4, equivalent to printing and postage, for prose submissions only. This helps us to pay our readers and our writers, and to ensure that all submissions are well-considered. We do not charge for poetry or art and photography submissions.  You can claim the costs of submission to Granta against any new subscription to the magazine.
During every opening period, we offer 100 free submissions to authors on low incomes. If you are a low-income writer and would like to apply for free entry, please read our guidelines for low-income entry below.
Please follow the instructions on the site if you wish to submit. We look forward to reading your work!


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