Electric Literature
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Welcome to Electric Literature's submissions hub!
We have a number of categories, including Essays, Novel Gazing, Recommended Reading, and The Commuter. Please scroll down for information and guidelines on the category you are interested in.Recommended Reading General Fiction Submissions—Open April 15 (12:00am) through April 22nd (11:59pm)
Members of Electric Literature can submit year-round. Join today!
- Recommended Reading publishes fiction between 1,500 and 10,000 words. (For fiction shorter than 1,500 words, check for open submission periods to the Recommended Reading Commuter.
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please notify us immediately if a piece is accepted elsewhere.
- Response time is three to six months.
- Upon acceptance, we can offer authors $300 for publishing rights.
- During general submissions periods, writers may submit one piece per opening period. (This does not apply to year-round submitting members. For more information on members submissions, please visit the members hub.)
The Commuter—Closed for POETRY and GRAPHIC NARRATIVE Submissions
When we are looking for poetry and graphic narrative, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
- For Poetry, submit 3–5 poems in a single document, and please limit the page count to 8.
- For Graphic Narrative, we are interested in both traditional and non-traditional forms of visual storytelling. Submit up to 3 pieces of narrative illustration, comics, or mixed media narrative. For comics, each piece should contain a minimum of 3 panels. The total page count of your submission should not exceed 15 pages.
The Commuter—Closed for PROSE Submissions
The Commuter is our home for poetry, flash, graphic, and experimental narratives. It publishes weekly on Monday morning, and has already showcased the likes of Noy Holland, Lulu Miller, Meg Pokrasss, Shelly Oria and Nelly Reifler, and more.
For Prose submissions, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
- Submit up to 3 flash fiction pieces, either standalone or connected. The total word count should not exceed 1500 words in a single document.
- Please submit all genres in .doc, .docx, or PDF.
- If your work is selected, we can offer a total payment of $100.
Novel Gazing—CLOSED
Novel Gazing is Electric Literature’s personal essay series on the way that stories and reading shape our lives.
For this round of Novel Gazing, Electric Lit’s personal essay series about the way stories shape our lives, tell us about a book (or movie, or show, or other narrative media) that shifted your opinion. This could be a huge change — the book that convinced you God existed, or didn’t; the play that altered your political perspective; the movie that convinced you to have kids — or a small one. Tell us about the stories that revolutionized your outlook on your family, on your career, on your own creative output. Tell us about the opinions you thought were unshakeable, until you encountered the story that turned everything upside down.
You may want to read some earlier Novel Gazing essays to get a feel for the series. Some recent favorites include essays about moving on from grief with the help of an AIDS memoir, about learning the wrong lessons from 200-year-old erotica, and about realizing that the romances of young adult literature aren’t written for you.
- Essays should not be longer than 4,000 words or shorter than 800
- Payment is $100 per piece.
- Non-women are welcome to submit their work.
- Read more about our vision for this series here and here.
We’re particularly interested in pieces that examine the intersection of the literary experience and other creative endeavors: film, fine art, music, video games, science, tech, architecture.
- Payment for essays is $100.
- Length is up to you, but we suggest aiming for 1,500–4,000 words.
- To see what kind of essays we have published, visit our site.
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