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ubmission to Cordite 97: PROPAGANDA, with poetry guest-edited by Mez Breeze and Simon Groth., closes 11.59pm Melbourne time Sunday 14 June 2020.*Submissions for Cordite Scholarly are always accepted
The following conditions apply to all poetry submissions:
1. We will only read submissions sent during our official submission periods.
2. Cordite maintains a hybrid submissions policy. This means that the guest editor may invite five (5) Australian and five (5) overseas authors directly to submit to the issue. In addition, the guest-editor will anonymously select an additional 30-35 works from Australian authors and use their discretion to select further overseas works. For each issue, the guest editor does not know the identities of the online contributors (via Submittable) until after the final selections have been made.
3. Simultaneous submissions or previously published material will not be considered. This includes works published in print and web journals but does not apply to material first published on personal blogs.
4. Please place up to three (3) poems in one (1) Word or RTF document (unless specifically noted otherwise for special issues), with no identifying details in the document itself.
5. We are not able to offer feedback on individual poems.
6. Submissions will only be accepted via Submittable …
7. Submissions may need to be developed to adhere to our Guide for Indigenous Editing and Writing.

Cordite seeks first publication rights (print and electronic) for all works submitted. See our copyright statement below for more details. Authors retain copyright of their work.
Cordite accepts submissions from any place on earth. Our funding partners allow Cordite to offer payments to Australian citizen or permanent resident contributors.
Cordite Scholarly is a section of Cordite Poetry Review devoted to peer-reviewed research on Australian and international poetry and poetics. Essays published in Cordite Scholarly are reviewed by at least two members of Cordite’s Academic Advisory Board and are also eligible for Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR) points.
Essays published in Cordite Scholarly will be available in both HTML and PDF versions. The author retains copyright of their material. Research should not exceed 10,000 words, must not be previously published, nor should they be submitted for publication elsewhere while being reviewed by the Cordite Academic Advisory Board or any external reader.
All essays submitted for consideration in Cordite Scholarly must comply with Cordite’s styling and rights requirements. Read the full Cordite Scholarly Submission Guidelines and House Style Guide. Published research will be unpaid. There are no submission fees.
Please note that Cordite will continue to solicit, accept and commission other types of work—including poetry, other creative works, features, book reviews, interviews and chapbooks—that do not require peer review.
If you are unsure as to whether your research essay requires the peer-review process, please send us an inquiry. Use our inquiry form.
Contributions of long articles, essays or interviews should be discussed with the editors before submission. Use our inquiry form.
Audio should be submitted electronically in MP3 format only.
Multimedia can be submitted electronically in the following formats:
Shockwave file
MP4 File
WMV File
Flash file
QuickTime file
URL to one of these files
Please contact us by email if you would like to submit your work in one of these formats. Do not attach the file itself when inquiring for the first time!
Except for the purposes of transmittal via the internet, fair dealing and research, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the author and the publisher.
Works may be republished in other internet collections with permission only and on condition of acknowledgement of Cordite‘s first publisher status. Publication rights for works in media other than internet websites revert to the creator upon publication however as a courtesy we ask that any subsequent publication include an acknowledgement of Cordite‘s first publisher status.
Reviews and articles published in Cordite are accepted for publication on the understanding that they do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or the publisher unless otherwise stated, and on the understanding that they represent and promote fair discussion and commentary on Australian poetry.
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