
Full details

We welcome unsolicited submissions (in readable font – 12 pt recommended), which MUST be accompanied by an SAE or International Reply Coupons or an email address for our reply to obviate this need. If you wish a typescript returned, please ensure enough return postage. NO EMAIL SUBMISSIONS, PLEASE, except by prior agreement, since this gives us extra secretarial work!

* Poetry: send four to ten poems – laid out so that the shape and structure of the work is shown to best advantage (12 font/15-16 line space ideal). One poem to each sheet.
* Fiction: any length, any topic, but average is 3,000 words – the criterion is quality. No more than one item at a time. We are looking for fiction which is challenging, surprising, different – in some way.
* Prose: critical articles are usually commissioned, but suggestions/ ideas are always welcome.
* Illustrations/artwork: we accept artwork with submissions at our discretion. Our artwork is usually specially commissioned.

Prose and fiction must be double-line-spaced. Use double quotes for dialogue and quotations, indicate italics as appropriate. Avoid using footnotes – we are not an academic journal.
Most submissions are returned fairly quickly, but if your work reaches our short leet the reading process may take about three months. Please be patient. Payment is offered for all work published.
We do try to explain why a submission is being returned and make constructive comments, which most people greatly welcome. If you do not wish this please request a rejection slip!

Chapman Publishing (Books – the Chapman New Writing Series)

* Poetry, occasionally short fiction, drama: We do NOT publish novels.

No new books are being undertaken at the moment.

We greatly appreciate it if intending contributors support the magazine by buying copies or subscribing (though this is not a condition of acceptance). Sample copies £8.50 for the current issue, £6.50 for a recent single issue (97-109), or £5.75 for an older one (96 and previous) inc p&p. We advise contributors to read the magazine to get an idea of its character and policy to avoid submitting unsuitable work.


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