Persea Books

Full details

Fiction & Nonfiction Submissions
We are pleased to receive query letters by USPS or via email from authors and literary agents. We publish literary novels and short story collections, creative nonfiction, memoir, essays, biography, literary criticism, books on contemporary issues (multicultural, feminist, LGBTQI+), Young Adult novels, and literary and multicultural anthologies that are assigned in secondary and university classrooms. 
Most of all, we are looking for the fresh voice, a clear point of view, the well-written work that will endure. We are pleased to publish debut books and to continue publishing the authors we take on.
We do not publish genre fiction (romance, fantasy, science fiction, thrillers), self-help, textbooks, or children's books.
Poetry Submissions
We have a longstanding commitment to publishing extraordinary contemporary poetry. Due to our commitment to the poets we already publish, we are limited in our ability to add new collections. If you would like to query our poetry department, click here to send an email describing your current project and your publication history, and attaching a PDF or Word document with up to twelve sample pages of your poetry. If we are interested in seeing more work, we will contact you. 
For those who qualify:
Entry in our annual contests, the Lexi Rudnitsky First Book Prize in Poetry and the Lexi Rudnitsky/Editor's Choice Award, is an alternative means of submitting your poetry to Persea.

How to Submit

Queries should include a cover letter, author background and publication history, a synopsis of the proposed work, and a sample chapter. Please indicate if the work is simultaneously submitted.
Queries via USPS, if a letter-size SASE is enclosed, will be answered within 5 months.
Submissions containing cover letter, author background and publication history, synopsis and sample chapter may also be sent via email.
All queries should be sent to:
Persea Books
90 Broad Street, Suite 2100
New York, NY 10004
Due to high volume, we do not respond to email queries unless we are interested.


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