Open Books

Full details

Open Books strives to publish high quality fiction and non-fiction. We like to see literary and contemporary fiction and serious, scholarly non-fiction. We love cutting-edge, out-of-this-world, brainy fiction and political, social, ecological and controversial non-fiction. We are generally not interested in romance, horror or paranormal unless it has a very original or literary spin, nor are we interested in pop non-fiction such as self-help, diet books or pseudo psychology.

For fiction submissions, please include a cover letter with your contact information, a one-page synopsis, an author bio, the first three chapters of your manuscript and a basic author marketing strategy. 

For non-fiction submissions, please include a cover letter with your contact information, a detailed outline of your project, an author bio, a sample of your writing and a basic author marketing strategy.

A one-page query is acceptable and even encouraged before submitting if you're not certain your book is a good fit with Open Books.

We only accept submissions and queries by email at submissions(at)open-bks(dot)com. If possible, please attach your submission or query in a word file and save the file in your name. Please address all queries and submissions to David Ross. We try to respond to all submissions and queries within one month.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to read and consider your work.


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