Bold Stroke Books

Full details

The general information provided below is not meant to represent the final terms of any contract for any individual work. These are summarized guidelines intended only to help acquaint you with our company and what you might expect when publishing with Bold Strokes Books. Production timing, contract specifics, and author payment may vary depending upon the attributes of the work, sales projections, author’s previous publications, etc. The information provided below may be changed at any time.
We hope that you find this introductory information helpful. Please contact us with questions at and see our Submissions Guidelines.
1) How long does it take to review a submission?
We want to give every submission the thorough evaluation your hard work deserves. This is a tiered process and may take up to sixteen weeks to complete, although in many cases a decision will be made sooner.
2) Do you consider previously self-published books?
Yes, we will consider previously published works (including self-published works) with the understanding that we will acquire all rights to the title for future publication (requiring you to remove the title from sale upon contracting). We ask that you provide date of publication, release/return of rights by previous publisher if traditionally published, and life to date sales figures (unit sales per format—not monies earned or royalties). Please query first with publication date and synopsis.
3) What happens when my manuscript is accepted?
You will receive an email to advise you of your manuscript’s acceptance along with any pertinent info specific to your title. A contract will then be sent for your review.
4) What happens after I sign my contract?
Once the signed contract has been returned to the publisher, you will be introduced to our team and our editing and production process.
5) What do I need to do about social media?
BSB markets and promotes all our authors via our website, Facebook, Twitter, newsletter, and blogs. You will be asked to provide biographical information, contact information, and the book blurb for the website shortly after you sign your contract. We also strongly urge you set up a Facebook page and website and to participate in our BSB blog rotation.
6) How long will it take for my book to be published?
BSB gives every author and every book individual attention. Many factors, including the genre, the number of titles already scheduled, and the projected readership determine how quickly a book will be released. In some cases, we recommend a digital-first edition with print to follow later. This will allow us to bring fresh new voices and content to our readers in 5–8 months. For titles for which we plan a simultaneous print and digital release, the advance notice required by our distributors for new titles is 9–15 months. This time frame is shorter than the industry average.
7) Is every book edited in the same way?
Just the opposite! Each manuscript is individually evaluated for style, genre requirements, content, and technical merit, and specific guidelines are discussed with the author. The goal of editing is to highlight an author’s individual voice, advance the author’s technical craft, and present the strongest work possible to the marketplace.
8) How many editors will I work with?
An author may work with one or two editors while preparing a manuscript for publication. Some editors specialize in aspects of development and story editing, while others are experts in the rules of copyediting. After the senior editor has reviewed the editorial needs, she will determine the editorial pathway to publication.
9) When will I find out the publication date of my book?
When the publication schedule is finalized for each "season" (spring/fall), authors with titles in that season will receive a confirmation of the publication date.
10) Will I have a say about my cover art?
Authors have the opportunity to provide input on their cover. Keeping in mind author requests, we work with our graphic artists on the early versions of every cover to ensure appropriate “branding” so readers recognize the books published by BSB and so that the cover art reflects the genre, style, and tone of the work. Once several options for the cover have been generated, the author will have an opportunity to choose their preferred cover.
11) Does BSB have a first options clause?
Yes. BSB has a two-fold mission: to produce quality queer fiction and to contribute to author development through a close, ongoing relationship over time. As part of this long-term relationship, we want the opportunity to review your future works for possible publication.
12) How will my book get to readers?
BSB uses multiple sales channels to ensure the highest possible sales for your title. Our books are listed in all major sales channels, including Baker and Taylor, Ingram, Bookazine, and other wholesalers so booksellers worldwide can order your title. Our books are shipped to bookstores, libraries, and online retailers worldwide. Our ebooks are available for sale through all major retailers including Amazon, Apple,, Kobo, and Smashwords. Our audiobooks are available through, Amazon, and iTunes. In addition, we maintain an active online bookstore to sell your print and e-books.
13) Do I have to copyright my work?
No. The publisher will copyright the work in the author's name upon publication. It is the author's responsibility to obtain copyright permission for any copyrighted material included in the manuscript and provide this permit upon submission of the manuscript for consideration.
14) May I post excerpts of my work online?
Yes. BSB encourages authors to self-promote by maintaining an online presence and posting excerpts of their upcoming and/or published works. An excerpt may be the first chapter or a compelling scene (less than 10,000 words).
15) How will I be paid for my book sales?
Royalties are disbursed quarterly and based upon compensated sales less returns. Depending upon the format (print or ebook) and the division in which the work appears, royalties may be based on list or net price, usually a tiered schedule in which royalties increase with the number of sales. The author is not responsible for any production or publication cost.
16) Does BSB offer an advance?
In most cases BSB offers an advance for all full-length novels, novellas, and anthologies.


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