Wild Wolf Publishing

Full details

We consider full length fiction of a dark nature, be it thriller, horror or science fiction.
We do accept submissions without a literary agent, but in this cut-throat industry, one is recommended (see the guide page for advice). Before submitting, you should ensure that your work has been through several thorough editing and proof-reading stages to be in with the best chance of being considered.
We only accept emailed submissions and it should include a cover letter giving relevant information about you and your work plus Word attachments of the first 3 chapters and a synopsis. A synopsis is NOT the blurb on the back of a book. A synopsis should give a blow by blow account of exactly what happens and to whom from start to finish of your work. If in doubt, peruse the guide section first.
To submit your work email the submissions team at submissions at wildwolfpublishing dot com.
Please bear in mind that we are inundated with submissions, so it can take us a long time to respond (as a rough guide at least 6-9 months).
To be kept up to date, please join our Facebook group and like our Facebook page.
For examples of the titles we have previously published, view our complete catalogue.
See our GUIDE section or FAQ section for additional information.


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