Regal Quest

Full details

n order to give your work the best chance of being accepted, please read all of the information concerning Submissions.

Regal Crest does not accept simultaneous submissions.
We do not accept manuscripts that are not complete. Please revise, proofread, and format your manuscript as per our guidelines below before sending it to us. We will evaluate your manuscript as quickly as possible, usually in 6-8 weeks.
Regal Crest is looking for LGBTQI novels with plots of action, adventure, drama, fantasy, mystery, thriller, romance and science fiction, or romance coupled with sub-plots of action, adventure, drama, fantasy, mystery, thriller, and science fiction.  Basically, we accept most genres, including non-fiction works.
Manuscripts of 15,000 to 59,999 will be considered for eBook formats only, with the exception that manuscripts that fall between 50,000 and 59,999 words will be looked at on a case-by-case basis for print publication. Manuscripts with a minimum of 60,000 words and a maximum of 120,000 words will be considered for print and eBook publication. Longer works will need to be edited down in size or split into multiple volumes. We publish a several “serial” stories, so long, involved works are not automatically excluded.
The stories we publish need to have flesh and blood characters in settings that don’t necessarily have to be real but must be come to life in the reader’s imagination. We want characters that are diverse in all ways. Our readers want to be entertained by plots that are original or have common story lines with enough twists to be memorable.
Regal Crest utilizes technology throughout our process. We rely on electronic submissions and email correspondence, even including the editing of manuscripts via email.  Do not submit paper copies of anything.  (See detailed submission guidelines below.)

What to expect after your submission
After submitting your manuscript, you can expect a response from the Submissions Team giving you a general estimate of how long you can expect to wait for a response. (If you do not get a “receipt” email within 5 business days please feel free to send a follow up message.) Your submission will be sent to a team of readers who will evaluate your manuscript and make recommendations to the publisher for consideration of publication.  Once the publisher has those recommendations a decision will be made as to the offering of a contract or not.  You will hear back from us either way.

Submission Guidelines
Please read and carefully follow these guidelines. Following directions is an important part of the process of getting a book published, and formatting the manuscript properly increases the possibility of your manuscript being accepted.
An initial query is not necessary. If you wish to submit your manuscript to us, please send the entire manuscript in a .doc or .docx format attached to an email to submissions(at) Your email will serve as your cover letter and you must include:
  • Book title and word count
  • Your name and pen name (if you choose to use one)
  • Address and phone number
  • Email address
  • Name and version of the word processing program you used for the file
  • Plot summary
You are not required to send anything else, but are welcome to send your biography and any other information that you think will help us evaluate your book.

Standard Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
For the most part we use the Chicago Manual of Style, most current edition to determine how our books will be set up. We also have “House Rules” and if your book is accepted, you will be provided a copy of those prior to the editing process.  Other resources you may find useful: The Essentials of Style by Strunk and White and Roget’s Thesaurus.

Specific Technical Instructions:
  1. Use a readable typeface such as Times New Roman with a font size of 12pt in black. Please do not use sans serif fonts such as Arial.
  2. Ideally you should use ”Page Setup” to set your margins, tabs, spacing, etc.
  3. Use one-inch margins all around.
  4. Double space between lines with no extra spaces between paragraphs. Put a centered # after scenes to indicate a break.
  5. Use only one space between words and sentences.
  6. Do NOT use page breaks.
  7. Put in a paragraph return only at the end of a paragraph. Let MS Word automatically wrap the text.
  8. Indent each paragraph no more than one-half inch and accomplish this by using “Page Setup” or setting Tab Stops. Do not use the tab key to space in for each paragraph. Never use the tab key anywhere in your manuscript.
  9. You may use special formatting (i.e. italics or smart quotes) but please do not embed any fancy formatting. If we have trouble reading your manuscript, we will let you know so that you can adjust it and try again.
  10. Chapters do not require a new page, but please clearly mark new chapter and label them (i.e., Chapter One, Chapter Two, etc.)
  11. Scene breaks: Flashbacks or dream sequences should be set off by separating them with one blank line above and below.
  12. For indicating dashes either two hyphens typed together (–) or the em-dash symbol may be used. Do not use single hyphens as dashes, and please do not use spaces on either side of an ellipsis or dash. The only exception is an ellipsis at the end of a non-dialog sentence.
  13. Use ellipses with no spaces between the ellipsis and the words on either side. Please do not use a “hot key” to insert an ellipsis as global searches will not find those.
  14. Use standard, American-style dialog format with double quote (“and”) marks.
  15. Submit the document as a .doc or .docx attachment.
  16. Please send the whole manuscript as a single file.


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