One World

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Thank you for choosing to submit your book proposal to Oneworld. We aim to respond to as many submissions as possible; however, due to the sheer number we receive each day, we cannot always guarantee that we will be able to reply to each one. Many proposals are rejected because they do not contain enough information, or because they do not give the right sort of information; in order to give your project the greatest chance of being considered for publication, please read the notes of guidance below carefully and use them to structure what you write:

  • Before you fill in our submissions form, think carefully about the suitability of your project for Oneworld. Does it fit into our list? Have we published similar titles in the past? Would it be suitable for inclusion in one of our current series, for example, the Beginner’s Guides series? Our website has full details of all our current publications, and a copy of our most recent catalogue is available to download
  • With non-fiction, it is important that you tell us what makes you particularly qualified to write this book. Not all of our writers are academics, but they are all experts in their chosen field. If you have had books published previously, please give as much information about these as possible; if not, please give details of your other writing experience. We do publish books by writers who have not been published before, but please bear in mind that writing a full-length book, particularly if it is intended for the general reader, is a long and difficult process, and that we will require evidence that you will be able to write in the appropriate style, meet deadlines etc.
  • One of the most important considerations for any publisher considering a new project is the target market. If we are to consider your proposal seriously we will need clear and precise information about the audience for whom you are writing, and about any potential secondary markets. Remember that you are not only trying to persuade us that we will want to read your book, but also that we will be able to sell it!
  • When completing the section on Competing Titles in the non-fiction proposal form, please do not say that there is no competition for your book. Almost all books are unique in the sense that there is nothing else exactly like them, but this question is designed to help us understand in which section of a bookstore it might be shelved, and which titles are likely be found alongside it and compete for the customers’ money. Giving clear and precise information on competing titles, and the comparative strengths of your proposed book, will help it stand out from the majority of submissions we receive.
  • The best proposals are those that are clear, concise and well-researched. If you have any questions about submitting a proposal, please send an email to and we will do our best to help.


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