Chicago Review Press

Full details

Chicago Review Press works collaboratively with our authors, and we pride ourselves on developing longstanding author-publisher relationships. Our dedicated staff of editing, design, publicity, and marketing professionals is passionate and knowledgeable about books and the industry. We value communication and at every stage of the publishing process we solicit authors' ideas and feedback. Not only do we work hard to create bestselling books, but we also endeavor to make the publishing experience an enjoyable one.

Submission Guidelines

We are interested in publishing high-quality nonfiction that will sell year after year. We look for books with a well-defined, passionate target audience. Chicago Review Press publishes nonfiction in the following categories: African American interest, autobiography/biography, DIY, film, food and drink (not cookbooks), history, music, parenting, politics, popular culture, popular science, social science, sports, regional (Midwest), nature/outdoor/travel, true crime, and women's interest. Chicago Review Press also publishes an award-winning line of children's and young adult titles. We do not publish children's picture books whether fiction or nonfiction. We do not publish books in the following subject areas: mind/body/spirit, religion, diet/fitness/nutrition, family memoir, self-help, business, poetry, or photography.
Before sending us a proposal, it’s a good idea to e-mail a brief query to one of our acquiring editors (see contact information below).
In order to consider your nonfiction book for potential publication, we need to see a proposal that includes the following items:
  • A one sentence summary of your book
  • A brief synopsis of your book in 1–2 paragraphs
  • The estimated word count of the final manuscript
  • The estimated completion date
  • Author biography specifying credentials and past publications credit, where appropriate
  • Approximate sales of previous books published, if any
  • A complete table of contents and/or a complete outline of the proposed chapters
  • A few sample chapters, preferably the first three.
  • For children's activity books, a few sample activities with a list of the others
  • Any information regarding photographs or artwork for the book
  • A description of the target audience and any information about the market
  • A list of competing and comparable titles and how your book differs—be sure to tell us what makes your book unique


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