Career Press

Full details

hank you for your interest in Career Press. Following are our editorial guidelines. If you determine that your proposal or manuscript meets these criteria, we welcome your submission. If you are interested in submitting work for our New Page Books imprint please see for details.
Editorial Mission StatementIt is our mission to publish and distribute quality, nonfiction books for adult readers seeking practical information to improve themselves in careers, college, finance, parenting, retirement, spirituality, and other related topics. We strive to deliver well-written, comprehensive books that inform, advise, and educate the reader.

ReadersOur readers are a diverse group, representing many age, job, and demographic categories. Yet they all demand the same high level of quality in the books they buy from Career Press; these characteristics will be identified below under Content Standards. Our primary markets include:
Students working through school and/or toward a career.
Adults seeking to improve themselves in their work environment.
Adults—singles, couples, families, seniors—seeking to improve their financial situation.
Parents striving to enhance their role as parents and maximize their children’s opportunities.
Seniors, as well as adults approaching retirement, seeking help in meeting their financial and lifestyle needs.
Anyone seeking information, a fun read, or interested in somehow bettering their lives
Book Categories
Book categories published by Career Press include:
- Business
- Career
- Job Search
- HR & Work Place Issues
- College Preparation
- Small Business/Entrepreneurship
- Motivation/Self-Help
- Management
- Marketing/Sales
- Negotiation
- Study Aids
- Reference
- and more
This list is by no means comprehensive and, depending upon the project′s tone, approach, and perceived sales potential, we publish other categories. To get a good feel for the kinds of books we represent, take a look at our Web site ( or, or check out our current catalog.
Among the categories NOT currently published by Career Press are children’s books, fiction of any kind, cookbooks, humor books, picture books, photography books, memoirs, gambling titles, and coffee-table publications.
Content StandardsTitles are written at an adult-minimum high school-level.
Titles are targeted to defined Career Press audiences.
Copy is written in a helpful, practical, how-to, often step-by-step-style.
Subjects are current, not faddish or trendy; style is not highly technical.
Titles include directories, listings, web sites, and references as appropriate.
Author Standards
Authors must be proficient at communicating in writing.
Authors must have strong credentials to write on their topic.
Authors should have some experience with publicity, such as speaking to groups and/or interviewing with broadcast or print media.
How to Submit Book Proposals
1. We will also consider a proposal. For us to properly evaluate your proposal and its potential, please include:
Complete, detailed outline/table of contents of proposed book, with well-defined subject—what distinguishes your book from the thousands of other books published each year?
Estimated length of book and approximate manuscript delivery date. Resources to be used. At least two complete sample chapters and an introduction/thesis.
A complete manuscript can also be submitted as long as it also contains the elements for a proposal as well.
2. In addition, please submit the following:
Author information/biography/credentials in light of the subject matter: Why are you the perfect person to write this book?
Sample copies of published articles and other materials you’ve written, and a complete list of your prior publications.
An outline of your marketing plan, including competitive titles known (and how your book will be better), primary markets (who will buy your book and why), and promotional opportunities you may be able to take advantage of (such as seminars, contacts with media, etc.). If you’re the head of an organization that will commit to buy copies, you’ve gotten such commitments from major (i.e. credible) companies, or your last book sold exceedingly well, say so in your proposal.
In your cover letter, please be sure to include your phone number during business hours, your street address, and your e-mail address.
3. If you want your materials returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope whether you submit a manuscript or a proposal. Submissions without a self-address stamped envelope/package will not be returned. Please do not call looking for submissions after they have been rejected.
Proposals should be addressed to:

Red Wheel/Weiser
Attn: Career Press
65 Parker Street, Suite 7
Newburyport, MA 01950
E-mail submissions should be sent to:


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