The Big Click

Full details

The Big Click is a bimonthly electronic journal of crime fiction. We are interested in publishing quality work under the broad umbrella of crime, though of course, like anyone, we have our sweet spots. We’re especially interested in noir, tales of the criminal lifestyle, confessional fiction, peculiar literary specimens, and great characters. We are somewhat less interested in tales of pure ratiocination, police procedurals, and any story whose title includes a colon followed by “A Firstname Lastname Investigation/Mystery/Case.” We are not at all interested in outright supernatural fiction, science fiction stories that use mystery-detection plots simply to tour the future, stories about killing pedophiles, or tales of frustrated writers of short stories who kill their obese wives. And no vampires.
Please read the magazine to see exactly what we like. If you do, and feel a deep kinship with what we publish, feel free to send us a brief letter of introduction. We are too busy to engage in extended correspondence, but we’re always pleased to receive notes from interesting people.
We pay $100.00 for electronic rights (online and ebook) and for non-exclusive The Big Click-themed anthology rights.


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