Stairwell Books

Full details

 Stairwell Books is a small publisher with limited resources. We like to publish high quality poetry and prose and would be interested in speaking to authors who have compelling projects in mind.  Any book published under the Stairwell Books imprint will be actively promoted by Stairwell Books.
The majority of our current list is made up of writers whose work we are familiar with or who have been referred to us by poets and writers we know well. That is not to say that we are not interested in publishing good writing: it is just that we would like to get to know you and your work before committing to publication.
One way of getting to know us is to submit work for one of our Anthologies. Once or twice a year we publish a themed anthology and launch it with an open mike in York. We do ask that you pre purchase one or more copies of the anthology which is always offered at a very reduced rate.
Please note that it can take up to 2 years from when a project is submitted to its appearing in print. In 2020 we are focussing mainly on female writers.
If you do have a project you think we might be interested in please contact us by email at
Dream Catcher
Submissions to the international arts journal, Dream Catcher, are managed by the Editor. Visit the Dream Catcher submissions page for more information.


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