Sleeping Bear

Sleeping Bear Press is a publisher of quality children’s books. We specialize in picture books and middle grade novels. We accept both fiction and nonfiction submissions. Please browse our website or catalog for examples of the types of books we publish.
Due to the volume of manuscripts we receive we are not able to respond to every submission. We do, however, make every effort to carefully consider each submission we receive. If we are interested in your manuscript we will respond within six months of receiving it. Additionally, in receiving a submission, we cannot assume any obligation to not publish a book based on a similar concept. Please no follow up emails or calls.
At this time we are only considering email submissions. Please attach your manuscript as a word document and send to the following email address:
The subject line of your email should include “New Submission”, the title of your work, fiction/nonfiction, and the subject (science, nature, humor, etc.). The body of your email should be your cover letter and include: your full name, your postal address, any previous publishing experience, word count, and a brief summary of your manuscript (please do not send cover letters as an additional attachment).


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