
About us

Overland is a quarterly print journal (publishing essays, stories and poetry) and an online magazine, publishing non-fiction articles each week day. Overland also occasionally publishes special online editions of fiction and poetry. Those wishing to submit material are strongly urged to familiarise themselves with Overland and its various projects. Overland will not – except in special circumstances – accept submissions that have been previously published elsewhere, including on the internet.
Overland has a proud history of publishing underrepresented writers and promoting manifold voices. We are especially keen on receiving submissions from women writers of colour in all areas – fiction, poetry, nonfiction and art.


Writers wishing to submit articles to the online magazine should look at our pitch page. This lists the topics we would particularly like to cover and provides a mechanism through which writers can pitch articles on these and other subjects.

How to submit

We ask all authors to submit their work via Submittable, an electronic submission manager. This facility allows authors to track the progress of their submission. It does require the creation of an account but this process is very simple.
Overland endeavours to reply to submissions as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the quantity received means that the process can take time and we ask contributors for patience.


Rates for articles in the online magazine –  $120.
Rates for the print magazine: fiction and essays – $500; poems – $150.
Overland pays contributors upon publication. If your piece has recently appeared in print or online, you can submit your invoice via this Submittable link.

Ready to submit?

Completed articles, stories and poems should be submitted in the relevant category below.




If you’re pitching an article idea instead, visit our

Pitch page

More details 


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