KT Literary

We’re thrilled to be actively seeking new clients with great writing, unique stories, and complex characters, for middle grade, young adult, and adult.
    Kate is looking only at young adult and middle grade fiction and selective nonfiction for those ages.
    Sara seeks authors in middle grade, young adult, and adult romance, erotica, science fiction, and fantasy.
    Renee is currently closed to queries.
    Hannah is interested in speculative fiction in young adult, middle grade, and adult.
    Hilary is seeking middle grade and young adult fiction.
To query us, please select one of the agents at kt literary at a time. If we pass, you can feel free to submit to another. Please email your query letter and the first three pages of your manuscript in the body of the email to either Kate at katequery@ktliterary.com, Sara at saraquery@ktliterary.com, Hannah at hannahquery@ktliterary.com, or Hilary at hilaryquery@ktliterary.com.
See site for details of how to submit.

More details 


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