Jolly Fish Press


To have Jolly Fish Press consider your book for publication, please provide the following two items:
  1. A query letter (in the body of the e-mail) including:
    • A brief 1-3 paragraph plot synopsis
    • A short bio mentioning your previous publications and writing credentials
    • 3-5 comparative books published within the last 5 years with an explanation of how your book both ties into a trend in the genre and offers something unique
    • Your e-mail address and phone number
  2. The first three chapters of your book in an attached Word document
Send these materials to submit@jollyfishpress.comThe subject line should be the working title of your book.
Submissions that do not follow the above guidelines will not be reviewed.
Please do not mail hard copies to our office. We only accept electronic submissions at this time. Hard copies will not be returned.


High-quality middle-grade and YA fiction, especially books showcasing strong voices, unique stories, and diverse characters

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