Champagne Books
Champagne Book Group (CBG) has been open and publishing electronic
fiction since 2004 and started as a Canadian publisher. Since 2017,
under a new owner, CBG is a United States publisher with the goal and
vision to deliver to readers quality books crafted with care and infused
with passion that transport readers into imagination.
CBG authors write stories that transport readers to other worlds, to the past, to the future, lets them enjoy romance, find love, discover what it’s like to be a Bond or Bourne and ride in a spaceship as it zips through the stars.
At this time, we are not looking at manuscripts under 30,000 words unless we are doing a special call or looking for stories for an anthology.
We especially love Old West romances. Bring on the cowboys, Native Americans, lawmen, gun-slingers, outlaws and US marshals. Bring us the brave men and women who won the West.
And don’t forget romance in the time of the Roman Empire, Caribbean pirates, indomitable Vikings and Scottish Highlanders.
We accept a wide variety of settings from small towns to the fast-pace and bustle of a big city. While setting is important, it should not overwhelm the characters. Provide enough detail to create a picture for the reader. Spend your word count developing the romance and characters—complete with attributes and flaws. Start from the moment they see each other initially or for the first time after a long separation.
This is the line where we will accept inspirational works; however, we are very selective in these and are looking for stories that are not preachy, where characters’ relationships with God are well-woven into their lives and romance. Here, we are looking at sweet to sensual with any sexy behind closed doors.
In this line, because the focus is on sexual tension, love scenes are behind closed bedroom doors.
Suspense stories must be fast-paced and driven by dark motives (greed, revenge, anger, desire, betrayal and more). There is a wealth of situations to explore (murder, kidnappings, political intrigue, blackmail to name a few). Bring us three-dimensional villains with black hearts or those molded by a bad past into evil. Dark, thrilling and good conquers evil is the theme. And if you redeem a bad guy, we love those too.
Mysteries tend to be cerebral, but are every bit as intriguing. Craft clues that lead characters through a mystery and pulls readers in to join the characters in solving the mystery. Bring the mystery in mysterious.
We’ll take spooky paranormal and ghost-hunting mysteries here too. In fact, we love these!
These stories range from sweet to hot and must be filled with sexual tension and passionate chemistry. The relationship and characters are key here even if the setting is exotic.
Sex scenes should be specifically described, including narrative, action, and dialogue. No flowery euphemisms. However, readers should be shown the scene and bring readers into the characters’ heads to let them experience what the character is experiencing. We are not about the mechanics here—we don’t want to read scenes where the focus is on what fits where—we want to feel.
We are not here to judge but we are looking for hetero relationships ONLY. If there is a minor m/m or f/f character pairing, we are okay with that but the focus of the story should be on the hetero relationship. It’s just our preference as readers as well as editors and publisher.
The main characters must stay monogamous, and a happily ever after or a happily for now ending is a must. This is the only line we’ll accept those happily for now endings.
As with the other lines, romance is a central theme as the story unfolds. All heat levels accepted (erotic belongs in Doux), but sex should not be used as the main story thread. Fated mates is a hard trope to craft, so if you have one, we want to see it but the characters need to work for each other, not just accept.
In this line, we want powerful females whether they start out powerful or find their own strength.
Got an urban fantasy? We especially want to see those.
We are looking for YA that is PG/PG-13. We’ll review language, mentions of drugs and alcohol, violence and sexual content. Yes, we know that our current young adults partake in a wide range of societal experiences. However, because we want our romance to take readers away and give them a fabulous reading experience, we want characters who swear lightly, drink lightly and lightly explore sex.
Any explicit sex must occur between consenting adults.
New adult work falls under the specific lines based on setting, etc.
In all lines but Young Adult and Erotic, heat level is sweet to hot. For YA, sweet to sensual and for Erotic, melting sheets is good.
Science Fiction/Fantasy
Language may be more explicit but the stories may not contain graphic sexual scenes.
We are not looking for war memoirs, diaries, family histories, journals, or children’s fiction or poetry.
* Author must have a letter of reversion from the original publisher or currently hold the rights.
* Author submits with the expectation they will be expected to work with a CBG editor and agrees to complete requested revisions.
* Author understands title will likely change as well as cover (if self-published and author holds cover art rights).
We do not accept snail mail submissions.
While we will accept manuscripts from non-US authors, please be advised that you will be required to provide us with an ITIN. This number can be received after contract but must be on file before any royalties are paid out. For information on non-US ITIN numbers please visit
We will NOT review or publish stories containing: depraved or illegal acts such as bestiality, rape and degradation of women, pedophilia.
We employ a full staff of editors and copyeditors. Authors should expect revisions to their contracted work even if it’s been released by another publisher or self-published.
We have a marketing department, but authors are encouraged to actively promote their work.
We will look at outside artwork for cover art. However, the final artwork decision remains with CBG, and we reserve the right to decline and use our talented artists’ work.
If you receive an offer to publish/contract with another publisher, please let us know ASAP.
If you have any questions or problems using the system, email Please use this email address only for questions or problems with system—do not use to submit material.
All submissions will receive an auto-response acknowledging receipt of submission and reminder of response time.
Full manuscript (30-95k): 6-8 weeks
Full manuscript (over 95k): 8-12 weeks
If you haven't heard from us within these times, please do not hesitate to nudge.
Again, thank you for considering Champagne Book Group for your work!
CBG authors write stories that transport readers to other worlds, to the past, to the future, lets them enjoy romance, find love, discover what it’s like to be a Bond or Bourne and ride in a spaceship as it zips through the stars.
We are primarily a digital
publisher; however, books over 60,000 go into print within six (6)
months after the digital release. We are a royalty-paying publisher. You
can see a draft of the contract by clicking on this line: Sample Contract
Interested in the staff behind CBG? Visit this page for information, including editors’ wish lists.At this time, we are not looking at manuscripts under 30,000 words unless we are doing a special call or looking for stories for an anthology.
Vintage (historical)
Brut(romantic suspense/mysteries/thrillers)
Blanc de Blanc(paranormal/urban fantasy)
Blanc de Noir(science fiction)
Demi-Sec (young adult)
Vintage (historical)
Other Genres We Love
Previous Release/Self-Published
Submission Guidelines
How to Submit
Response Times
For 2019, we have shifted our focus and wishes. While we will continue to publish fabulous books in other genres, we primarily seek romance across the sub-genres. Please note the specifics for each line listed below.Vintage
This is the historical romance line for romances from medieval to Georgian, Regency, Victorian and early American and the Old West. We are looking for strong conflict, well-developed characters and clear motivations and goals. Love scenes can range from none to hot but be true to characters era, speech and the expectations and morals of the time period.We especially love Old West romances. Bring on the cowboys, Native Americans, lawmen, gun-slingers, outlaws and US marshals. Bring us the brave men and women who won the West.
And don’t forget romance in the time of the Roman Empire, Caribbean pirates, indomitable Vikings and Scottish Highlanders.
We really want some wonderful romances for this line this year. This is our category romances similar in style to Harlequin. These focus on the building relationship of the hero and the heroine with all the excitement and sensory details of the initial attraction, first date, first touch, and first kiss. We want our readers to close the book on a sigh of satisfaction. Evoking emotion is a must.We accept a wide variety of settings from small towns to the fast-pace and bustle of a big city. While setting is important, it should not overwhelm the characters. Provide enough detail to create a picture for the reader. Spend your word count developing the romance and characters—complete with attributes and flaws. Start from the moment they see each other initially or for the first time after a long separation.
This is the line where we will accept inspirational works; however, we are very selective in these and are looking for stories that are not preachy, where characters’ relationships with God are well-woven into their lives and romance. Here, we are looking at sweet to sensual with any sexy behind closed doors.
In this line, because the focus is on sexual tension, love scenes are behind closed bedroom doors.
This is our dangerous but exciting Romantic Suspense/Thriller line. Romance under tense or near-death situations brings extra conflict to falling in love.Suspense stories must be fast-paced and driven by dark motives (greed, revenge, anger, desire, betrayal and more). There is a wealth of situations to explore (murder, kidnappings, political intrigue, blackmail to name a few). Bring us three-dimensional villains with black hearts or those molded by a bad past into evil. Dark, thrilling and good conquers evil is the theme. And if you redeem a bad guy, we love those too.
Mysteries tend to be cerebral, but are every bit as intriguing. Craft clues that lead characters through a mystery and pulls readers in to join the characters in solving the mystery. Bring the mystery in mysterious.
We’ll take spooky paranormal and ghost-hunting mysteries here too. In fact, we love these!
This is our contemporary romance line. Settings can be in the United States or explore relationships in other countries. Don’t forget less used places like Peru, India, Thailand even the Middle East for your inspiration.These stories range from sweet to hot and must be filled with sexual tension and passionate chemistry. The relationship and characters are key here even if the setting is exotic.
Our needs and wishes have changed in this line. While we still want to see romance where naughty rules, we are highly picky. While the hotter the better is the mantra here, we still want to give readers a story whether it’s light-hearted or darkly erotic. No sex for the purpose of having sex. The same as all our lines, we are seeking strong conflict, clear motivations, and goals. Whether you write a plot-driven or character-driven story, all must be emotionally compelling. Thank you, but no porn or erotica.Sex scenes should be specifically described, including narrative, action, and dialogue. No flowery euphemisms. However, readers should be shown the scene and bring readers into the characters’ heads to let them experience what the character is experiencing. We are not about the mechanics here—we don’t want to read scenes where the focus is on what fits where—we want to feel.
We are not here to judge but we are looking for hetero relationships ONLY. If there is a minor m/m or f/f character pairing, we are okay with that but the focus of the story should be on the hetero relationship. It’s just our preference as readers as well as editors and publisher.
The main characters must stay monogamous, and a happily ever after or a happily for now ending is a must. This is the only line we’ll accept those happily for now endings.
Blanc de Blanc
Let your imagination be your guide here. We want your vampires, shifters, dragons, gargoyles, angels, demons, and other supernaturals.As with the other lines, romance is a central theme as the story unfolds. All heat levels accepted (erotic belongs in Doux), but sex should not be used as the main story thread. Fated mates is a hard trope to craft, so if you have one, we want to see it but the characters need to work for each other, not just accept.
In this line, we want powerful females whether they start out powerful or find their own strength.
Got an urban fantasy? We especially want to see those.
Blanc de Noir
In this line, we want science fiction where romance is integral to the story. There can be a 50-50 split between the science fiction and the romance that interweave to drive the plot forward. Our wish lists here include space opera, alien romance, futuristic and other similar subgenres.Cuvee
This is our dreamy fantasy line with characters like elves, sprites, gods/goddesses, superheroes, fairies, warlock, wizards, witches, mermaids, selkies and psychics. The stories are also guided by the imagination and has characters who may be in conflict with dangerous elements or beings.Demi-Sec
Here we are seeking clean stories with romance or strong romantic elements with characters that range in age from 13 to 18 with issues that would be relatable to young adults. Settings can be fantasy, contemporary, science fiction, fantasy, historical, mystery/suspense—even thrillers. The themes deal with issues real young adults face, such as loss, facing a challenge, learning who you are and where you belong in the world.We are looking for YA that is PG/PG-13. We’ll review language, mentions of drugs and alcohol, violence and sexual content. Yes, we know that our current young adults partake in a wide range of societal experiences. However, because we want our romance to take readers away and give them a fabulous reading experience, we want characters who swear lightly, drink lightly and lightly explore sex.
This doesn’t mean our YA isn’t true to teens. We also want story-telling to be solid and characters feel true to life.
Important General Guidelines for Romance Lines:
For all romance lines, there must be a happily-ever-after.Any explicit sex must occur between consenting adults.
New adult work falls under the specific lines based on setting, etc.
In all lines but Young Adult and Erotic, heat level is sweet to hot. For YA, sweet to sensual and for Erotic, melting sheets is good.
Other Genres We Love
Historical Fiction (think Roman, Egypt, India, Australian)Suspense/Mysteries/Thrillers
Science Fiction/Fantasy
General Guidelines for Other Genres:
Descriptions of historical events must be historically accurate and characters must stay true to their era in actions and speech.Language may be more explicit but the stories may not contain graphic sexual scenes.
We are not looking for war memoirs, diaries, family histories, journals, or children’s fiction or poetry.
Previously Released/Self-Published
CBG will consider these books under the following conditions:* Author must have a letter of reversion from the original publisher or currently hold the rights.
* Author submits with the expectation they will be expected to work with a CBG editor and agrees to complete requested revisions.
* Author understands title will likely change as well as cover (if self-published and author holds cover art rights).
Additional Information
We don’t take simultaneous submissions on full requests so please do not send to us if you have sent a full elsewhere. However, if we request to see work through Savvy Authors, #PitMad, #SFFPit or any other pitching event, we waive the simultaneous submission guideline and welcome your submission. Please note this is only for pitch events.We do not accept snail mail submissions.
While we will accept manuscripts from non-US authors, please be advised that you will be required to provide us with an ITIN. This number can be received after contract but must be on file before any royalties are paid out. For information on non-US ITIN numbers please visit
We will NOT review or publish stories containing: depraved or illegal acts such as bestiality, rape and degradation of women, pedophilia.
We employ a full staff of editors and copyeditors. Authors should expect revisions to their contracted work even if it’s been released by another publisher or self-published.
We have a marketing department, but authors are encouraged to actively promote their work.
We will look at outside artwork for cover art. However, the final artwork decision remains with CBG, and we reserve the right to decline and use our talented artists’ work.
If you receive an offer to publish/contract with another publisher, please let us know ASAP.
Submission Guidelines
Minimum Criteria:-
Finished and polished manuscripts only. Please note we are not
encouraging you to hire an editor—we will provide that. Just make sure
your manuscript is as clean and as well-written as you can make it.
Word Count: 30,000 to 130,000
- File Formats: .doc, .docx., .rtf
How to Submit
We use Query Manager, an online submission service by Query Tracker, to manage our submissions. Please use this online submission form to send your submission package.If you have any questions or problems using the system, email Please use this email address only for questions or problems with system—do not use to submit material.
All submissions will receive an auto-response acknowledging receipt of submission and reminder of response time.
Response Times
Query, synopsis & first three chapters: 4-6 weeksFull manuscript (30-95k): 6-8 weeks
Full manuscript (over 95k): 8-12 weeks
If you haven't heard from us within these times, please do not hesitate to nudge.
Again, thank you for considering Champagne Book Group for your work!
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