Rebels Market

Here at the RebelsMarket blog, we’re always looking for interesting articles told from unique perspectives – which is why we offer $50 for freelance written articles!
We love articles that entertain, educate and inspire. If you have a strong opinion on why tattoos and fishnets are not acceptable office attire, great. Or if you think this is absolute bullshit - that's even better!
We’re looking for strong opinion pieces, written with a fearless tone. But this doesn’t mean we won’t accept well thought out ‘how to’ guides and articles that are a little more neutral. Let’s face it – learning how to style a gothic corset is pretty important!
If you’re interested in submitting a guest post for the RebelsMarket blog, please read on to find out what we’re looking for.

Guest Contributor Guidelines

Here are a few VERY important things to keep in mind before you submit your article to RebelsMarket:
  1. We will not accept articles that have previously been published anywhere, in any format
  2. We do pay $50 per accepted article, via PayPal – so if you don’t have a PayPal account we can’t accept your article (sorry)
  3. You can write on any topic relevant to the RebelsMarket audience. These can include topics about the different subcultures we cater to (Goth, steampunk, punk, bohemian, etc) – but this is not a hard and fast rule
  4. We will not respond to emails that do not follow the writer guidelines, and this will result in your email being blocked from future communications. This means: don't send silly questions, don't send pitches or ideas rather than finished articles, and basically don't send anything other than a finished article to the email address laid out in the guidelines. 
  5. We will not accept articles that have links to commercial websites, eCommerce stores, competitor websites or any site that is geared toward selling something. This is not link building service. 


Your Submitted Article Must:

  • Be between 1000 and 2000 words long
  • Be broken up into sections using appropriate subheadings (use bullet points and lists where applicable)
  • Include images where applicable (pasting a link to an appropriate image where you would like to see it in the published article is fine)
  • Include links within the copy to other RebelsMarket articles where applicable. If you need to reference another website, only use reputable sources (and never to RebelsMarket competitor sites, your own website, or commercial websites)
  • Include a brief 2 paragraph summary about you, the author, at the end of the article. You can provide one link to your personal blog or writer website, or one of your social media handles if you wish. 


Types of Articles That We Love:

  • How-to articles that solve a specific problem (these do not always need to be fashion based)
  • DIY tutorials for interesting arts and crafts with an ‘alternative’ slant. If you can provide your own high-quality images then this will increase the chances of your article being accepted!
  • Lifestyle, culture and social commentary articles
  • Opinion pieces and controversial topics! If you have a strong opinion on something – let us know!

    More details 


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