Janklow and Nesbit
hank you for considering Janklow &
Nesbit for your submission. We invest a lot of time and effort into
reviewing unsolicited manuscripts and particularly in championing
first-time authors, and we would be delighted to hear from you.
Please follow the guidelines below to make it easier for us to review your work. If we are interested in reading or hearing more, you will receive a response within eight weeks from submission.
Please note that we do not accept postal submissions, and that we do not consider screenwriters or scripts.
Please title all documents and your email with your full name and the title of your work for ease of reference. Your submission should be double-spaced, size 12 and in a reasonable font.
If you are submitting fiction, you should include a covering letter, synopsis, and either the first three chapters or the first fifty pages, whichever you feel is appropriate. Your covering letter and synopsis should ideally be no longer than a page each.
If you are submitting non-fiction, you should include a covering letter ideally no longer than a page, a full outline setting out the aims of each chapter, and if possible a sample chapter.
Please include a covering letter in the body of your email and include other components as attachments. We prefer attachments to be in Word, but PDFs are also acceptable. Please note that we cannot open external links in your email for security reasons, so your work must be attached directly to the email.
Please send your submission to submissions@janklow.co.uk, including your name, the title of your work and the name of the agent you wish to submit to in the subject line. If you would like help deciding which agent you feel would be most suited to your work, you can check agent profiles here. Please only address your email to one of our literary agents.
If you have any queries which are not answered on this page, you are welcome to give us a call, or email us at queries@janklow.co.uk. Please note that submissions sent to this email address may not be reviewed.
For information on how Janklow & Nesbit UK handle personal data, please carefully read our Data Protection Policy.
Please follow the guidelines below to make it easier for us to review your work. If we are interested in reading or hearing more, you will receive a response within eight weeks from submission.
Please note that we do not accept postal submissions, and that we do not consider screenwriters or scripts.
Please title all documents and your email with your full name and the title of your work for ease of reference. Your submission should be double-spaced, size 12 and in a reasonable font.
If you are submitting fiction, you should include a covering letter, synopsis, and either the first three chapters or the first fifty pages, whichever you feel is appropriate. Your covering letter and synopsis should ideally be no longer than a page each.
If you are submitting non-fiction, you should include a covering letter ideally no longer than a page, a full outline setting out the aims of each chapter, and if possible a sample chapter.
Please include a covering letter in the body of your email and include other components as attachments. We prefer attachments to be in Word, but PDFs are also acceptable. Please note that we cannot open external links in your email for security reasons, so your work must be attached directly to the email.
Please send your submission to submissions@janklow.co.uk, including your name, the title of your work and the name of the agent you wish to submit to in the subject line. If you would like help deciding which agent you feel would be most suited to your work, you can check agent profiles here. Please only address your email to one of our literary agents.
If you have any queries which are not answered on this page, you are welcome to give us a call, or email us at queries@janklow.co.uk. Please note that submissions sent to this email address may not be reviewed.
For information on how Janklow & Nesbit UK handle personal data, please carefully read our Data Protection Policy.
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