Fraser Ross

Like all Literary Agencies, we receive a high volume of submissions of all kinds, so it is important that you give yourself the best chance by preparing well before sending your work.
So before you press the send button, consider the following questions:
Have you researched the market?
Like anybody looking for work in any industry, find out as much as you can. Visit bookshops and libraries, talk to booksellers and librarians. You’ll find more on our Getting Published page.
Are you ready?
Please don’t submit unfinished work; we want to see writing and illustration at a stage at which you consider it publishable.
Avoid wasting your own time
We do not consider poetry, playscripts, screenplays or individual short stories.
Attention to detail
Many writers undermine their own work with undisciplined spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Then consider your potential publisher and readers:
A publisher wants to publish good books that will sell in quantity, and, if possible, internationally.
What makes you believe your book will be a commercial success?
What kind of reader do you envisage with your book in their hand?
To whom will a publisher, bookseller or librarian sell or lend your book?
For whom are you writing?
Is Fraser Ross Associates the right Literary Agency for you?
This website and our client list will give you an idea of the kind of writers, illustrators and books with whom we are currently working. But we aren’t looking for clones, and we are always open to new ideas.

Submission Guidelines for Fraser Ross Associates:

We accept unsolicited submissions by post and email – please follow the guidelines carefully.
Postal submissions should be sent to:
Fraser Ross Associates, 6/2 Wellington Place, Edinburgh  EH6 7EQ
We do not collect submissions for which insufficient postage has been paid.
Email submissions should be sent using the contact form below, or to
When submitting by email, the email itself is the covering letter. You need not attach a separate document.
Our response time
We receive so many submissions every month that – regrettably – we can no longer respond to them all. We consider all submissions in date order. But we can only respond to those writers and illustrators to whom we may be able to offer representation. If, after 8 weeks, you have not heard from us, you can assume that your submission is not one we feel we can take any further.
Because of the number of submissions we receive, and our commitments to existing clients, we cannot offer feedback on submissions other than those we may want to take further.
Fraser Ross Associates can take no responsibility for the safe arrival or return of any manuscripts and/or artwork samples submitted.

More details 


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