Bag of Bones

 Full details 

ubmission Guidelines

Stories must be typed in English.

Pieces must be your own, original work and previously unpublished.

Size 12 font, Times New Roman or similar easy-to-read font, double-spaced lines, single space after no colour or images please.

Please tell us your name, title of your story, and which call you are submitting to in the subject line of your email, for example: 'SUBMISSION - Alyssa Smith - It's Hot in Here - Step Into The Light'

Please submit your manuscript (as a .doc or .docx attachment) to:

Please keep your cover letter SHORT.

Biography: Please include a 50-100 word short biography (written in the third person) in the body of your email. If you're new to writing and feel you don't have much to 'biog' about yet, don't worry, we can help you with this if you like - just ask in your email.

Multiple submissions: You may enter each submission call once. If you receive an early rejection, you may submit again once more before the deadline, if you wish.

Simultaneous submissions: You may submit your work elsewhere while it is on submission to us - in fact, we actively encourage you to get your work out there to as many suitable places as you can - but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere as soon as possible.

Contact details: There is no need to give us your postal address on your manuscript - we respect your privacy. Please do provide at least one social media point of contact in your submission if you have one (Twitter is best for us). This is useful in case we have difficulty with spam filters etc. and can't get through to you by email to discuss your submission.

An automatic reply receipt email will be sent in response to your email from our email system. If you don't get this (fairly instant) reply, get in touch via Twitter and we'll chase up your submission. If you send in several stories in a small window of time, you'll receive only one automated reply from us.

Please do not respond to a rejection email.

We tend to wait until after the submission deadline to notify authors whether their work has been accepted or not, so please, hang tight, we will get back to you.

All payments/prizes will be made via PayPal.


You own the copyright to everything you contribute to Bag of Bones Press – it’s still and will always be your work and we thank you graciously for sharing it with us. After publication with us, you're free to take your work and re-publish it somewhere else. For paid calls, we ask that you wait a discretionary minimum period of 3 months before subbing work published with us elsewhere for reprint.

The purpose of our press is to promote, reward, and share fabulous, original writing and great story telling.

On receiving an acceptance for any of the submission calls set and organised by Bag of Bones Press, you agree to allowing the BOB website a non-exclusive, continuing right and licence to publish your material here, on our website in text, and also you give permission for us to publish and distribute your contribution in print or electronic text or audio format, or any other format at our sole discretion indefinitely and globally. You also give us permission to archive your work. We reserve the right to make minor grammatical edits to your writing before publication.

If you contact us or enter anything via our website, we will add you to our mailing list so we can keep you up-to-date with our project. If you wish to be removed from it, please email us and ask to be unsubscribed.

We aim to donate a proportion of our profit to charity after deducting our running costs and contributor payments.

We are an inclusive organisation and welcome entries from EVERYBODY.



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