Science Fiction Magazine

 Full details 

Fantasy & Science Fiction has no formula for fiction, but we like to be surprised by stories, either by the character insights, ideas, plots, or prose. The speculative element may be slight, but it should be present. We prefer character-oriented stories, whether it's fantasy, science fiction, horror, humor, or another genre. F&SF encourages submissions from diverse voices and perspectives, and has published writers from all over the world. Do not query for fiction; submit the entire manuscript. We publish fiction up to 25,000 words in length. Please read the magazine before submitting. A sample copy (print edition) is available for $7.00 in the US and $17.50 elsewhere (to NJ address below).

   We do not accept simultaneous submissions. Please prepare your submission according to standard guidelines, which you can find here: . If you're mailing your manuscript, put your name on each page, and enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Writers are encouraged to submit their work electronically.

  We prefer not to see more than one submission from a writer at a time.

  Allow 8 weeks for a response.

  Payment is 8-12 cents per word on acceptance. We buy first North American and foreign serial rights and an option on anthology rights. All other rights are retained by the author.

  Our columns and non-fiction articles are assigned in-house. We do not accept freelance submissions in those areas.

  Since we use so little art—just six covers a year, no interiors—we have no separate artist's guidelines. Please send art samples to Gordon Van Gelder at the address below.

   Send cartoon queries as well as orders for sample copies to Gordon Van Gelder, Fantasy & Science Fiction, P.O. Box 3447, Hoboken, NJ 07030.

   Send story submissions to C.C. Finlay — Editor, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, using the online submission form at



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