Takahe Magazine

Full details

General Guidelines

  • Submissions may be made at any time and will be considered for the next issue. Email is the preferred mode of submission in all genres, and will be acknowledged on receipt.
  • We do not consider previously published work (including online – blogs, websites, ezines, social media).
  • With the exception of essays, we accept simultaneous submissions, but please let the editor know if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Our usual response time is no longer than four months, and contributors should not submit further work until advised of the fate of earlier submissions.
  • Please send as a Word attachment (doc or docx) to the relevant editor: art, essays, fiction, poetry or reviews. If submissions are being made in more than one genre, send each separately.
  • Files should contain a cover page which includes the date, your name, email address, postal address, and the title/s of the work. Your name should appear on every page of the submission.
  • If we accept your work we also publish a short bio (obligatory) and a comment on writing (optional). The bio should be no more than 50 words and combined length of bio + comment no more than 70 words and you may include them with your submission.
  • If you do not have access to email, please include a covering letter with above information, and a stamped self-addressd envelope for reply. (Submissions without either an email address or SSAE will be destroyed unread.) Put your name, the title of the work and the page number on each page, and post to: takahē, PO Box 13 335, Christchurch 8141, New Zealand. Please note, do not send books for review to this address; contact the Reviews Editor for details.
  • Overseas Submissions will only be accepted by email, as New Zealand Post no longer accepts IRCs (International Reply Coupons). Foreign stamps and/or cash are not acceptable alternatives.
  • Quote your name, the title/s of your submission, and the date it was sent with any subsequent enquiry.
  • By submitting your work to takahē, you agree to be contacted occasionally by email (at most five times per year) about the release of issues and the announcement of competition deadlines. If you would like to opt out of this, please say so in your covering letter.
Copyright statement: With acceptance of work for publication, the writer cedes first publication rights in print and/or online to the Takahē Collective Board. The Takahē Collective Board reserves the right to archive issues of takahē on its website. Copyright reverts to the author on publication. If the work is subsequently republished elsewhere, acknowledgement of the original publisher/publication should be made. Contributors are responsible for obtaining copyright clearance for direct quotation from the work of others.
Grants from Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa enable us to make a small payment to local contributors for work published. Overseas contributors may opt for payment via PayPal, or put their fee towards a subscription. All contributors receive one free copy of the issue in which their work appears.


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