Lit Break
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Litbreak is open for submissions year-round but with a limit of fifty unpaid submissions per month. Please submit from the first of the month onward if you are shut out of the previous month. We accept submissions only through Submittable. Submissions received any other way will be marked as spam. Please read our submissions policy carefully before submitting anything.Litbreak Magazine, founded in December of 2015 by Jason Chambers and edited by Dennis Haritou, publishes a wide mix of literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. We also publish novel excerpts. The novel must not be scheduled for publication, or be published.
We aim to present as diverse a mix as possible of geographic area, gender and ethnicity. All work submitted must be previously unpublished. To enhance literary diversity, all contributing writers can be published on Litbreak only once.
Litbreak accepts simultaneous submissions but please let us know if your work has been accepted elsewhere. Please present your submission as a Word doc. We do not accept PDFs. Please use 12 Point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
We will ask for confirmation from the writer if your work is accepted. All submitters must be at least 18 years of age. The biographies of accepted writers may be edited on account of length, or to focus on purely literary experience. All writers must submit their work directly. Submission by third parties is not allowed.
We do not allow editing after submission. If you wish to re-edit your work after submission, then withdraw it and resubmit later if you wish. If you submit a group of poems, you cannot withdraw individual poems from the group but can withdraw the whole submission if you wish. We prefer to present poems in groups since that gives a better idea of the poet's vision.
Editorial note: Although Litbreak is an American publication, we retain British Standard English if the source document employs it.
Failure to follow our submission guidelines will result in your submission being declined.
Thanks for keeping our celebration of literary diversity alive with the submission of your work!
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