Nylon Fusion

Full details

Nylon Fusion Theatre Company is currently accepting submissions of new works for future projects.

If you are submitting to:
Our short play festival “This Round’s On Us” (about 10 minutes) 
This Rounds On Us: 
RETROSPECT: "The Best of Times, the Worst of Times, The Future" 
SUBMISSION DEADLINES (subject to change)
The Best of Times -- Due February 5th, 2020
The Worst of Times -- Due May 12th, 2020 -- due to covid--19 we are extending to August 8th, 2019
The Future - Due August 1st, 2020 extended to November 1, 2020.
RETROSPECT: The Best of Times
We have some success stories in history of the world. Explore one of them. Was it a success at the time or only in retrospect? Were they good for all or only some? Take any angle you want, even speculating what it would mean if things were different.
RETROSPECT: The Worst of Times
We have some epic fails in our past. Explore one of them. Was this a failure to all or just some? Could it have been prevented?   Should it have been prevented?  Take any angle you want, even speculating what it would mean if things were different.
PROSPECT: The Future
Every era has a “future” style. A future outlook based on the present. What does “future” look like now? What does it sound like? What does it feel like? We look at The Jetsons or Back To The Future and say “where is my flying car?” What do we expect now that we know that flying cars aren’t (yet?) a thing? Speculate. Have fun!

To be considered This Round's On Us please submit/email the following: A cover letter, brief synopsis, resume and full script to nylonsubmissions@gmail.com Please be specific as to which project you are submitting to. Write on the SUBJECT LINE For example: This Round’s On Us: The Worst Of Times, Jane Jones.
NOTE: accepted plays are produced (including casting) by Nylon Fusion Theatre Company. Playwrights are encouraged to attend rehearsals.
The Political Play series (Full Length about 90 min)
Deadlines for “Political Play Series” 
NOTE: We appreciate your interest. But due to the amount of submissions we have been receiving we will not be accepting FULL LENGTH and/or TV - STYLE scripts at this time. Until further notice. Thank you!

The TV-style project (Episodic sitcom sample script- 20-30 pages) for **The New Situation Company. We are interested in writers residing in New York, as the team will be meeting frequently during script development. If you do not live in the New York area but would like us to consider your work, feel free to send in your sample script, as we would like to feature guest writers in the project as well.
We will contact you if your work matches what we’re looking for.
Thank you!

Nylon Fusion Theatre Company


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