
Full details

All submissions from writers and literary agents in the US should be directed by mail to the editorial office:
Bradford Morrow, Editor
21 East 10th St., #3E
New York, NY 10003

Simultaneous submissions will not be considered.

In order to receive a response, you must enclose a self-addressed envelope stamped with sufficient postage for our reply and for return of your MS (if you request that).
 Please also include your email address in your cover letter. Allow twelve weeks for our reply before querying.

Do not send submissions by any delivery method that requires a signature, and be sure that your SASE is an appropriate size for return of your materials.

Writers located outside the US may submit via email to with a clear indication of the country from which they are sending.

Our biannual print/e-book issues are generally themed. We cannot predict when a given issue will close to new work, but we typically read into August for our fall issues and into February for our spring issues. Upon occasion, issues close prior to that.

The reading period for the Spring 2020 issue, Conjunctions:74, Grendel's Kin: The Monsters Issue, is now closed. We read year-round for the weekly online magazine, which is not subject to thematic restrictions.

We accept short- and long-form fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. We do not accept academic essays or publish book reviews. Although we have no official restrictions regarding word count, we ask that writers use common sense when it comes to sending extremely long work or multiple works. Please do not send revised submissions or additional works until we have responded to the submission pending review.

Please do not send pitches, synopses, or writing samples; just send the work itself.

Stay informed about upcoming issues and more by joining our weekly newsletter and following us on Facebook and Twitter.


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