Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter Literary Festival Flash Fiction Competition

 Full details 

Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter Literary Festival is delighted to announce that its 2024 flash fiction competition is open for entries.  

Five shortlisted writers will be invited to read their entries at the Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter Literary Festival 17th – 20th October, and the winners will be announced at the event.
The competition will be judged by Averil Meehan. Averil writes flash fiction, poetry, and radio drama. Her collection of poetry, Until Stones Blossom, is published by Summer Palace Press. Averil’s writing has won and/or been placed in various creative writing competitions, read at festivals and events, and broadcast on RTE Radio 1

The Festival wishes to thank Bookmark, Letterkenny and Donegal ETB for sponsoring our main prizes. The winner will receive €150 and runner-up €100. Three highly commended entries will receive book vouchers. The closing date for entries is 1st September 2024. Results will be announced by the end of September.

Submission guidelines:
  1. The submission must be the author’s own unpublished work - this includes, print, online or broadcast. Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please notify us to withdraw from the competition if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  2. Entry is free. Entrants must be over 18 and from the island of Ireland. Entries to be in English, or Irish with a translation.   
  3. You may submit one piece of flash fiction per person. Maximum word count is 300 words excluding title. Entries should be typed in a clear 12pt font and double spaced.
  4. Ensure that your name does not appear on the work. In the body of the email, please include contact details e.g. name, county and telephone number. 
  5. Five shortlisted entrants will be expected to read at the Prize Winners Evening in October 2024, please consider this factor when entering.
  6. Copyright remains with the author. 
  7. Entry to the competition implies acceptance of the rules. The judge’s decision is final.     
  8. Submit your entry as a Word document by email to lkcqfest@gmail.com by the closing date of 1st September 2024.   



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