21 Futures Financial Fallout

 Full details 

Up to $1,850 in prizes

Debt, a growing wealth gap, and the debasement of currency. The future of many economies looks dark.

Which catastrophic failures will we see in the next 100 years? And how will it affect ordinary citizens of the world?

Konsensus Network seeks fiction submissions (up to 3,000 words) for its forthcoming anthology 21 Futures: Financial Fallout. The 21 best stories will feature in the anthology and will be eligible to win the following prizes:

  • 1st place: $1,000 + feature interview
  • 2nd place: $500 + podcast appearance
  • 3rd place: $250 + social media shoutout
  • 4th place: $100 + signed book

What we DO want:

  • Stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end
  • Stories which include diverse and realistic characters we can root for
  • Stories with a unique angle on dystopia. Be creative and think outside the locations and tropes of typical sci-fi.
  • Stories which make us care. Stories with love, loss, joy, pain, and everything in between.
  • Stories which offer some kind of hope for the future.

What we DON'T want:

  • Stories with unnecessary violence unconnected to the plot
  • Nationalism, hate speech, erotica
  • The promotion of centralized alt coins or ‘cryptocurrency’
  • Manifestos on ways of life
  • Poetry or excerpts from novels
  • Satoshi Nakamoto origin stories
  • Stories based entirely on real-life events using real-life characters

Stories must be written in English (editing provided if English is not your first language). Maximum 3,000 max words.

Read the terms

21 futures cover Cops



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