Quagmire Magazine

 Full details 


To our writers:

At Quagmire, we’re going to be doing things a little bit different. Our goal, first and foremost, will always be to make our writers the most money and eyes on their work as possible. We want YOU getting published in print to mean something more than just a novelty.

That’s why we’re offering revenue sharing to all our print published writers. Any time you send a friend, a family member, or a follower to buy one of our print editions, we’re sending our writers money in return. We want our writers to share in the success of their work, and we don't want the relationship to be severed at the point of print.

This is just the start of our writer-first magazine.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Only submit previously unpublished work.

  • Submit all written work as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.

  • Fiction submissions should be no longer than 3000 words and no less than 1000 words. We will accept exceptional stories over 3000, but it's rare.

  • Poetry submissions can be a maximum of 5 poetry, but we will select what we feel is the best poem to publish from that collection.

  • Please have a brief (500 words or less) cover letter, outlining who you are and your previous publications.

  • We accept simultaneous submissions, but let us know as soon as it’s accepted elsewhere. Please wait until you receive a response for your submission before submitting again.

  • Use standard formatting: put your page number somewhere on each page. If the submission is prose-heavy, please double-space. Use a standard font.

  • Submissions filed by professional coordinating services or stories already rejected will not be considered.

  • All submissions will be read, but our response times may vary, so please be patient! Our current average response time is ~2.5 months.


  • Our Online publication pays $25 per published fiction (we're trying to bring this up ASAP!) and $12.50 per poem (with up to 5 poems)

  • Our Print Publication pays $50 per published fiction and $15 per published poem, up to a maximum of 5 poems, and all published authors will receive a share of our print publication revenue.

  • We do require a small reading fee. This is both because we want readers who believe in their work to submit, and so that we can pay the writers who we do accept. This also helps reduce the amount of AI-generated submissions. As we grow, the payments will grow, but the submission fee will always remain the same.

  • We pay through Paypal, which will convert CAD into your given currency. Let us know if this will not work for you.


We post on a weekly schedule, alternating between poetry and poems every Sunday.

  • We are primarily a fiction & poetry publisher, but we're looking to expand to CNF, book reviews, and works on writing (if you're interested in volunteering to be a reader for any of these, please email me at submit@quagmiremagazine.com)

Print Publication:

  • We publish a best of collection every year, and just published our first issue.


  • With our online submissions, we are only purchasing the right to post your short story online. All other rights are still yours. If we select your piece for publication in our print copy, we will pay you again to purchase these new rights.

We are committed to publishing stories written and edited by humans. We reserve the right to reject any submission that we suspect to be primarily generated or created by language modeling software, ChatGPT, chat bots, or any other AI apps, bots, or software.



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