The Christopher O'Malley Prize
Full details
Guidelines for Standard Submissions
The Madison Review accepts poetry, fiction, and art submissions during our reading period. We publish two issues, a digital issue in fall and a physical issue in the spring.
We accept submissions on a rolling basis. If we release an issue before we contact you with a decision on your work, don't worry, you are still being considered for publication.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome as long as you notify us of publication elsewhere. Manuscripts must be previously unpublished. Submissions should include a cover-letter complete with contact information and the name(s) of your story or poem(s).
Please limit submissions to one per genre per reading cycle.
Submissions Windows:
Fall submissions open August 1st - November 1st
Contest submissions open November 1st - February 1st
Spring submissions open January 1st - March 15th
A note on the submission fee:
Although we hate the idea of further burdening penniless poets, we have decided to charge two dollars per submission. Rest assured, the change we'll be collecting (about what you would have spent on postage) will be put to good use. Thanks for understanding.
Please see the The Madison Review website for more information.
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