Full details 

Submit your most captivating poems and not only could you be crowned the International 'Dark Poets Prize', Edition II, Winner and receive £500, but every entry will still be considered for publication with the chance of being selected for honourable mention.


Share your masterpieces and let your words uncover the beauty in the darkness. Enter via the ‘SUBMIT’ section of our website between now and close of competition with no limit on number of poems or number of subsequent submissions. We accept poetry that has previously been published elsewhere as we believe your words should be owned by no one other than yourself and should not be limited to one platform, but shared and appreciated as widely as possible.


Remember to include an order number and word count with each submission when you email them over to info@darkpoets.club to be considered:

  • Entry Fee: £5 per poem | £8 for 3 poems | £10 for 5 poems

  • Maximum of 200 words per poem

  • Entries close Friday 25th October

  • Winner announced, Thursday 31st October

The winner will receive:

  • Monetary prize of £500

  • Dark Poets Prize certification

  • Dark Poets Club T-shirt


Don’t miss this chance to have your poetry celebrated and be the winner of the Dark Poets Prize.


Be sure to follow us via the social links at the top of the page & SUBSCRIBE to be kept up to date with announcements.



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